German Education Portal
The portal offers scientific information for educational scientists, researchers and subject didactics experts in the German language area. Its services span research literature and data as well as selected information relevant for research.
The German Education Portal (GEP) is a central access point to scientific information for educational researchers, educational scientists and subject didactics experts in the German language area. It is available free of charge and thus supports the Open Science principles and Open Access to scientific literature. The services centre on databases of references, research data sources and structured information concerning diverse aspects.
Target groups
The services first of all address researchers and practitioners in education and people interested in education science. This includes university staff in education, scientists working in universities and memorial institutions, teachers and people working in social institutions.
The portal centres on the German Education Index which is coordinated at the Information Centre for Education and continually updated by cooperation partners in the German Education Index network. An integrated special Subject Information Service (FID) for educational researchers and scientists moreover enables research for literature including a service providing literature that is available outside Germany and other resources. An Open Access document server, peDOCs, allows researchers to publish their own work.
Scientific Advice
The user advisory board of the GEP at the Information Center for Education continually offers advice. This board consists of scientists from the field of education science and research, subject didactics and information science. User behaviour is also monitored, regular online surveys are carried out and participative designs are chosen to enable user interactions.
Roughly 30 partner organisations are contributing to the German Education Index.
The subject information service for educational researchers and scientists is set up by:
- Information Centre for Education, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
- BBF | Research Library for the History of Education, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
- Reseach Library, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI)
- University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Henning Hinze
- Jürgen Jaeschke
- Dr. Julia Kreusch
- Thomas Oerder
- Mathieu Papdo
- Cornelia Poppe
- Dr. Christian Richter
- Jens Röschlein
- Dr. Christoph Schindler
- Christine Schumann
Target Audience: | Educational Research, Educational Practice, Education Policy |
Type of Content: | Information in Education, History of Education, Digital Learning & Educational Technologies, Research Data & Tools, Individual Support, Teaching & Learning, Literature & Sources, Further Education & Professionalisation |
Online since: |
Department: | Information Centre for Education |
Contact: | |
Web Address |