Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh
Deputy Executive Director of DIPF
BBF | Research Library for the History of Education
Warschauer Straße 34-38
- Abitur Examination Practices and Respective Essays From 1882 to 1972
- Educational Myths About the GDR (MythErz)
- FID – Specialised Information Service “Educational Science and Educational Research”
- SchiWa – Schools in Times of Change
- SoQuZ – Social Data as Sources of Contemporary History
- West German Student Journals From the 1950s and 1960s. Student Journals as Artefacts of Secondary School Cultures (PAUSE)
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 11/2019
- Deputy Executive Director of DIPF
- 09 – 11/2018
- Professeur Invité at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
- Since 10/2012
- Professor of History of Education (W3-S) at the Humboldt University of Berlin and Director of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
- 2004 – 2012
- Professor of General Education and History of Education (C4) at the Technical University Berlin
- 2003 – 2004
- Professor of School Education (Secondary Schools) (C3) at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- 2002 – 2003
- Professor of School Pedagogy (School Reform) (C3) at the Pedagogical University of Freiburg
- 2001 – 2002
- Stand-in Professor (C3) of School Pedagogy (School Education) at the University of Vechta (rejecting the call to the University of Vechta, 2002)
- 2002
- Habilitation at the University of Hamburg: "Occupational biographies of East German teachers as 'confessions'. Interpretations and methodological reflections on biography research in educational science" (post-doctoral fellowship from the DFG (German Research Foundation)
- 1993 – 2002
- Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education/School Pedagogy (University of Hamburg)
- 1992
- PhD: "Education of the unemployed during the First World War and the Weimar Republic. Education between market policy and welfare", (PhD scholarship of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation)
- 1985
- Teaching degree for secondary schools (i.e. Zweites Staatsexamen)
- 1977 – 1983
- Studies of German Language and Literature, History and Educational Science at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen and the University of Hamburg, graduating with the "Erstes Staatsexamen"
- 1977
- Abitur
- Born in 1958, married, three children
Research Interests
- Research on educational history, particularly cultural and social history of pedagogical institutions, professions and practices
- History of (subject) instruction
- History of pedagogical knowledge in Germany after 1945
- Ethnography of pedagogical practices and orders
- Theory and methodology of historical and reconstructive-hermeneutical educational research, Digital Humanities
Positions and Board Memberships
- Permanent member of the working group "Social Data and Contemporary History" at the Werner Reimers Foundation, Bad Homburg (since 2020)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Division "History of Education" at DGfE (German Educational Research Association) (since 2019)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Bildungslabors für die LehrerInnenbildung der School of Education" at University of Salzburg/Austria (since 2019)
- Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Georg Eckert Institute – Leibniz Institute of International Textbook Research (GEI) (2017-2022, deputy chairperson 2015-2017)
- Member of the Interdisciplinary Working Group „Archiv sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Erhebungen und amtlicher Statistiken Deutschlands nach 1945“, promoted by the Werner-Reimers-Foundation (since 2017)
- Co-editor of the "Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (JHB)" (since 2016)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the journal “Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung“ (since 2016)
- Member of the Advsory Board of the Center for Information and Research on German Education and Science Policy at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) (since 2015)
- Member of the External Avisory Board of the "Centrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung (CeLeB)" (Centre for Teacher Training and Educational Research) at the University of Hildesheim (since 2015)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the "Jahrbuch Ganztagsschule" (since 2015)
- Co-editor of the serial "Quellen und Dokumente zur Geschichte der Erziehung" (since 2013)
- Co-editor of the serial "Bildungsgeschichte. Forschung – Akzente – Perspektiven" (since 2013)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Deutschen Comenius Gesellschaft" (since 2013)
- Co-editor of the journal “Zeitschrift für Pädagogik“ (since 2012)
- Member of the Chamber for Education, Children and Youth of the EKD (Protestant Church of Germany) (2012-2020)
- Member of the "Fachausschusses Geistes-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften am Akkreditierungs-, Certifizierungs- und Qualitäts-Institut" (Specialists Committee for Humanities, Language and Cultural Studies of the Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute, ACQUIN) (2012-2018)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Berlin-Brandenburg Institute for School Quality Improvement (ISQ) (2012–2014)
- Member of the Executive Board of the DGfE – German Educational Research Association, 2010–2016 (vice chair 2012–2013, chair 2013– 2014)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the journal "Die Deutsche Schule(DDS)“ (since 2009)
- Member of the Advisory Board f the serial "Pädagogische Fallanthologie" (since 2007)
- Co-editor of the journal “Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung“ (2007– 2016)
- Jury member of the Landeslehrpreis (i.e state teaching award), Pedagogical Universities (Pädagogische Hochschulen) in Baden-Wuerttemberg (since 2007–2012)
- Member of the Jury for the DGfE Junior Researchers Prize (2006– 2008)
- Member of several committees appointing professorships at the Humboldt-University Berlin, the Technical University Berlin and other universities (e.g. University of Potsdam, University of Lüneburg, Pedagogical University Freiburg, University of Göttingen)
- Publications since 2012 (DIPF database of publications)
- List of publications (pdf)
last modified
Jan 07, 2025