Josefine Wähler, M.A.


Academic Staff

BBF Research

BBF | Research Library for the History of Education

Warschauer Straße 34-38
10243 Berlin

+49 (0)30-293360-674




Curriculum Vitae

Editorial Assistant Board Member (EAB), Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education (PH)
Organizer of the ISCHE 42 twitter conference "Re-Narrating the Social" #twISCHE42, with Jona Garz (Zürich), Fanny Isensee (HU Berlin), Chelsea Rodriguez (Groningen), Arnis Strazdins (Riga) and Daniel Töpper (HU Berlin), Örebro University, online event, June 2021
Member of the ECR Thinkering Group Initiative, International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)
Organizer Virtual Workshop: Geschichte der Praxis des (Fach-)Unterrichts. Zur Nutzung neuer Quellengattungen in der Historischen Bildungsforschung", BBF | Research Library for the History of Education at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education Berlin in cooperation with the Ruhr University Bochum (Marco Lorenz)
Local Organising Committee of the 40th International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE): Education and Nature, Humboldt University of Berlin
Since 2016
  • Research Assistant at the Research Unit of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Berlin
  • Assistant Lecturer, Institute for Educational Sciences, Department of General Education, Technische Universität Braunschweig
  • Organizer of the Research Forum: Quellen digital Auswerten – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der eHumanities in der Historischen Bildungsforschung, 25th DGfE/GERA Congress, University of Kassel
Since 2015
Scientific Coordinator of a cooperation project between DIPF Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin and Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), publication of a series on classics of German History of Education and Education Policy (with Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Füssel)
2014 – 2015
Research Assistant at the Research Library for the History of Education (BBF), DIPF Berlin
Research project: Entwicklung von Verfahren der eHumanities für die Historische Bildungsforschung (with Dr. Stefan Cramme and Lars Müller)
Scholarship fund from the Research Library for the History of Education (BBF), DIPF Berlin
Since 2013
PhD-Candidate, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Education Studies – History of Education, Humboldt University Berlin
PhD-project: "Aus der Praxis – für die Praxis". On the History of the Pädagogische Lesungen in the GDR, 1952-1989
Master of Arts (Magistra Artium) in Educational Studies (major), Musicology and Sociology at Dresden University of Technology
Thesis: Karl Hoffmann. Musikpädagogisches Schaffen in der DDR im Kontext von Wissenschaftlichkeit und Parteilichkeit
2002 – 2013
Educational Studies, Sociology, Musicology and Psychology at Dresden University of Technology
High School Diploma (Abitur) at Erich-Fried-Gymnasium, Berlin

Main Research Interests and Expertise

  • History of Education and Educational Studies, particularly cultural and social history of pedagogical instructions, professions and practices
  • Studies in Contemporary History with a focus on education and further teacher training in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)
  • History and practice of Music Education in Weimar Republic, Third Reich and GDR
  • Digital Humanities in Educational Sciences and in the History of Education

Selected Presentations

  • Retrodigitalisierung von Lehr- und Unterrichtsmitteln aus der DDR. Konzeption, Rekonstruktion und Präsentation einer Dia-Ton-Reihe über das Vereinigte Institut für Kernforschung Dubna. Digital Turn und Historische Bildungsforschung: Bestandsaufnahme und Forschungsperspektiven. Online-Forschungstag, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) in cooperation with the Center for Digital Humanities Münster (CDH) (with Annabel Hanke), online event, June 2021
  • Erforschung der Geschichte der Praxis des (Fach-)Unterrichts und Nutzung neuer Quellengattungen in der Historischen Bildungsforschung – Anschlussfähigkeit, Perspektiven und Mehrwert? Colloquium in cooperation with Centre of School History (ZSG) at Zurich University Teacher Education (PHZH), BBF/DIPF Berlin and RUB (with Marco Lorenz), online event, December 2020
  • Beigefügtes und Beiliegendes. Selbstgestaltete Lehr-/Lernmittel und unterrichtsergänzende Anlagen in Pädagogischen Lesungen aus der DDR (1961-1989). Virtual Workshop: Geschichte der Praxis des (Fach-)Unterrichts. Zur Nutzung neuer Quellengattungen in der Historischen Bildungsforschung, BBF at the DIPF Berlin in cooperation with the Ruhr University Bochum, online event, June 2020
  • Circulation and transformation of "Pädagogische Lesungen" [pedagogical lectures] within a cross-institutional network in the GDR teacher training. 41th ISCHE Conference: Spaces and Places of Education, University of Porto (FPCEUP), Porto/Portugal, July 2019
  • "Pacemakers Report" – The Unique Collection of "Pädagogische Lesungen" [pedagogical lectures] in the Research Library for the History of Education (BBF) in Berlin. 18th symposium for school museums and history of education collections, Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University, Copenhagen/Denmark, July 2019 (with Maria-Annabel Hanke).
  • "Schreibende Lehrer – Forschende Lehrer". Praxisberichte von Pädagogen als fester Bestandteil der zentralen Lehrerweiterbildung in der DDR. Research Colloquium, Institute for Educational Sciences, TU Braunschweig, March 2019
  • "Aus der Praxis – für die Praxis". Entstehung und Funktion von Pädagogischen Lesungen in der DDR, 1961-1989. Bildungsgeschichtliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungen der Gegenwart. Research Colloquium, Department of Education Studies – History of Education, Humboldt University Berlin, December 2018
  • Pädagogische Lesungen als fachdidaktische Praktik. Workshop: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Praxeologie in der (Historischen) Bildungsforschung. Centre of School History (ZSG) at Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH), Zurich/Swiss, March 2018
  • Vereinheitlichung und Differenz im Schulsystem der DDR. Workshop: Grenzen und Zukunft der Praxeologie, University of Konstanz, September 2017
  • Music education as "Stätte der Kollektivbildung" [site for the formation of the social collective] in GDR, 1961-1989. 38th ISCHE Conference: Education and the Body, Loyola University, Chicago/USA, August 2016
  • Digitalisierte Zeitschriften als Quellen der Historischen Bildungsforschung. Forschungsforum: Quellen digital Auswerten – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der eHumanities in der Historischen Bildungsforschung. 25th GERA Congress: Räume für Bildung. Räume der Bildung, University of Kassel, March 2016 (with Lars Müller)
  • Practices, Rituals and Routines of GDR music education. 37th ISCHE Conference: Culture and Education, University Istanbul/Turkey, June 2015
  • Practices of GDR music education. 6. EERA Histories of Education Summer School Conference for Postgraduates: Researching Histories of Educational Spaces, Discourses and Sources, University of Luxemburg/Luxemburg, June 2015
  • Rekonstruktion von Praktiken des DDR-Musikunterrichts. Colloquium of the BBF at the DIPF and the Centre of School History (ZSG) at Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH), Berlin, May 2015


  • At Technische Universität Braunschweig in winter semester 2016/17; 2017/18; 2018/19
    Bloc seminar: Grundbegriffe der Erziehungswissenschaft: Erziehung, Bildung, Sozialisation

last modified Jan 13, 2025