Educational Computer Science
With its technical expertise and resources in the fields of portal technology, data management and software development, Educational Computer Science (EduCS) supports various DIPF activities and projects.
The Educational Computer Science (EduCS) addresses several focal points of the Information Centre for Education (IZB): it operates online information systems for educational researchers and the interested public, develops and customises software for user-oriented information presentation. The unit conducts application-oriented research aimed at improving the systems in use. Its expertise is not only integrated into the IZB but also extends to the interdepartmental Centre for Technology-Based Assessment (TBA Centre). In collaboration with the IT Services selected services are provided to other departments, where they are developed and evaluated.
Information Centre for Education
The Information Centre for Education (IZB) at DIPF is the central institution for research and information infrastructures in education in Germany. The Centre moreover organises research and transfer of findings and links actors in education.
Dr. Daniel SchiffnerTeam
- Atezaz Ahmad, Associated Researcher
- René Bartsch, B.Sc., Software Engineer
- Robert Baumann, Member of Staff
- Björn Buchal, System Administrator
- Thorsten Busert, Dipl.-Inform. (FH), Software Engineer
- Fernando Cardenas-Hernandez, Doctoral Candidate
- Dr. Claudia-Melania Chituc, Software Engineer
- Dennis Grund, System Administrator
- Henning Hinze, System Developer
- Jürgen Jaeschke, System Developer
- Roland Johannes, Dipl.-Ing., Member of Staff
- Yannic Jäckel, M.A., Doctoral Candidate
- Dennis Kasch, B.Sc., Software Engineer
- Prof. Dr. Natalie Kiesler, Associated Researcher
- Axel Nieder-Vahrenholz, Software Engineer
- Mathieu Papdo, M.Sc., System Developer
- Barbara Persch, Member of Staff
- Sascha Pohlmann, Software Engineer
- Cornelia Poppe, System Administrator
- Amir Rajabi, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
- Shahla Rasulzade, Academic Staff
- Dr. Christian Richter, System Developer
- Dr. Jan Schneider, Post-doc Researcher
- Hermann Schwarz, Software Engineer
- Shivantika Thakur, Software Engineer
- Dr. Britta Upsing, Academic Staff
- Sebastian Wollny, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
- Yara Youssef, Academic Staff
- Omar Youssef, Software Engineer
Dr. Daniel SchiffnerProjects
- IWWB-PLUS: InfoWebWeiterbildung – Personalised search area for the learning environment
- KonsortSWD – Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences
- MYSKILLS – Identifying Professional Competencies (BKE)
- QualiBi – Development of a research data platform for qualitative educational research