CIDER III – College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research

The College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER) is an interdisciplinary program for promoting young researchers in the field of empirical educational research. CIDER actively supports the building of an international interdisciplinary network by supporting young scientists, fostering their independence, and supporting interdisciplinary collaborations.

Project Description

The College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER) is an interdisciplinary network supporting postdocs in the area of empirical educational research. CIDER involves the following academic disciplines: Economics, Education Science, Psychology, and Sociology. The College was founded by six Leibniz-Institutes in 2012 financially supported by the BMBF and the Jacobs Foundation; currently ten institutes are involved. Since 2019 with the beginning of the CIDER Cohort III the Coordination of the program is located at the DIPF ().

In CIDER III, 30 postdocs were offered the chance for interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation. Within regular CIDER Workshops and Conferences, CIDER Fellows and seniors came together to present and discuss their current research projects and exchange ideas. The core of CIDER are so called Micro Groups, i.e. small research groups of CIDER Fellows from different disciplines working together on research topics of their choice. The goals of CIDER are to promote interdisciplinary research in education, to build an international cross-disciplinary research network in education, to advance the academic careers of its Fellows, and to transfer scientific results into the general public.





Project Management

Prof. Dr. Florian Schmiedek

Project Team

Dr. Martin Schastak

Project Details

Completed Projects
Department: Education and Human Development
Unit: Cognitive Development
Education Sectors: Further Education, Science
10/2019 – 12/2023
External funding