PROM3THEUS – Practical Orientation, Methodology, and Theory Development in Educational Research

As part of this joint project, a series of events will be organised for early career scientist in educational research. The three planned interdisciplinary conferences on core aspects of scientific work such as theory, methodology, and transfer to practice will be accompanied by a peer and mentoring programme.

Project Description

Empirical educational research may be considered an area of research that both requires interdisciplinarity in the scientific process and produces interdisciplinarity due to different disciplinary approaches. This makes it particularly challenging for early career researchers to orient and position themselves in the overall field of research. PROM3THEUS therefore addresses the central aspects of scientific work – theory development, methodology, and practice transfer – from inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives in three sequenced and partly linked early career conferences that are accompanied by intensive consulting and mentoring phases. This concept is based on the targeted use of different approaches and emphases in different disciplines (subject education research, education, psychology, sociology) und research topics (primary/secondary/tertiary education, instructional processes, extracurricular learning environments etc.). It aims at fostering early career researchers’ research profiles at sites of RHINE-MAIN-UNIVERSITIES (RMU) and beyond. Please contact the team of the project via e-mail: cHJvbTN0aGV1c0BkaXBmLmRl

Project Objectives

The overarching goal is to promote early career researchers with interdisciplinary events, peer advisory groups, and a mentoring programme. The focus is on critical and reflexive discourse among early career researchers and the invitation of experts on different assumptions and views in quantitative and qualitative research. So the early researchers’ perspective on different scientific theoretical positions in the research field will be widened beyond paradigmatic dispute.



Project Management

Prof. Dr. Florian Schmiedek

Project Team

Project Details

Current project
Unit: Cognitive Development
Education Sectors: Further Education, Science
10/2023 – 09/2026
External funding
Contact: Prof. Dr. Florian Schmiedek, Head of Unit