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The effect of social support features via buddies in app-based habit building
Biedermann, Daniel; Schwarz, Patrick Oliver; Yau, Jane; Drachsler, Hendrik
Journal Article
| In: International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning | 2023
43941 Endnote
Biedermann, Daniel; Schwarz, Patrick Oliver; Yau, Jane; Drachsler, Hendrik
The effect of social support features via buddies in app-based habit building
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 15 (2023) 2, S. 1-12
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Entwicklung; Erwachsener; Experimentelle Untersuchung; Gewohnheit; Mehrebenenanalyse; Regressionsanalyse; Selbstbestimmung; Selbstregulation; Smartphone; Soziale Interaktion; Tool; Unterstützung; Verhaltensänderung
Abstract (english):
App-based habit building has been shown to be a good tool for forming desired habits; however, it is unclear how much individual features that are present in many apps contribute to the success of habit building. In this paper, the authors consider the influence of social support features by developing an app in which habit progress was shared with peers - 'buddies' in the app. In the study, 38 participants created habits and monitored their progress regularly with the app over three weeks. The participants were divided into a control group without a 'buddy' and a treatment group cohort in which they were assigned to buddies based on their desired habits. With each habit repetition, the app gave feedback on the number of repetitions and the automaticity of the user's habit. The results obtained show that the reproduction of app-based intentional habit building is effective and that automaticity could be predicted by habit repetition. (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
Perspectives on resilience. Trait resilience, correlates of resilience in daily life, and […]
Blanke, Elisabeth S.; Schmiedek, Florian; Siebert, Stefan; Richter, David; Brose, Annette
Journal Article
| In: Stress and Health | 2023
43272 Endnote
Blanke, Elisabeth S.; Schmiedek, Florian; Siebert, Stefan; Richter, David; Brose, Annette
Perspectives on resilience. Trait resilience, correlates of resilience in daily life, and longer-term change in affective distress
Stress and Health, 39 (2023) 1, S. 59-73
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Affekt; Alltag; Anpassung; Deutschland; Empirische Untersuchung; Erlebnis; Fragebogen; Korrelation; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Mehrebenenanalyse; Messung; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Regressionsanalyse; Resilienz; Smartphone; Stress; Strukturgleichungsmodell; Veränderung; Wohlbefinden
Resilience describes successful adaptation in the face of adversity, commonly inferred from trajectories of well-being following major life events. Alternatively, resilience was conceptualised as a psychological trait, facilitating adaptation through stable individual characteristics. Both perspectives may relate to individual differences in how stress is regulated in daily life. In the present study, we combined these perspectives on resilience. Our sample consisted of N = 132 middle-aged adults, who experienced major life events in between two waves of a longitudinal study. We implemented latent change regression models to predict change in affective distress. As predictors, we investigated trait resilience and correlates of resilience in daily life (stressor occurrence, stress reactivity, positive reappraisal, mindful attention, and acceptance), measured using experience sampling (T = 70 occasions). Unexpectedly, trait resilience was not associated with change in distress. In contrast, resilience correlates in daily life, most notably lower stress reactivity, were associated with more favourable change. Higher trait resilience related to higher average mindfulness, higher reappraisal, and lower negative affect. Overall, while trait resilience translated into everyday correlates of resilience, it was not predictive of changes in affective distress. Instead, precursors of changes in well-being may be found in correlates of resilience in daily life. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bildung und Entwicklung
Digital studying in times of COVID-19. Teacher- and student-related aspects of learning success in […]
Engel, Ole; Zimmer, Lena; Lörz, Markus; Mayweg-Paus, Elisabeth
Journal Article
| In: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | 2023
43522 Endnote
Engel, Ole; Zimmer, Lena; Lörz, Markus; Mayweg-Paus, Elisabeth
Digital studying in times of COVID-19. Teacher- and student-related aspects of learning success in german higher education
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, (2023) , S. 20:12
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Befragung; Deutschland; Digitale Medien; Einflussfaktor; Fernunterricht; Hochschulbildung; Hochschullehre; Hochschullehrer; Hochschulmanagement; Kommunikation; Lernbedingungen; Lerngemeinschaft; Lerngruppe; Lernplattform; Medienausstattung; Medieneinsatz; Medienkompetenz; Pandemie; Regressionsanalyse; Selbstgesteuertes lernen; Soziale Interaktion; Student; Studienerfolg; Studium; Universität; Wahrnehmung; Wirkung; Zufriedenheit
Abstract (english):
In the wake of COVID-19, study conditions in Europe have changed dramatically. To limit contact between students and teachers, since March 2020 teaching has largely taken place digitally (remotely via digital means) and in private. Because the success of digital learning likely relies on many factors beyond good digital infrastructure condi tions, this article focuses on which aspects, at both the teacher and the student levels, promote digital learning success. The large-scale student survey "Studying in Times of the Corona Pandemic" conducted at German universities and universities of applied sciences in the summer semester of 2020 ofers data on how COVID-19 has afected several aspects of university studying in Germany. Here, we consider this data within the theoretical framework "theory of transactional distance" introduced by Moore (in: Moore (ed) Handbook of distance education, Routledge, 2018), according to which the success of digital teaching is infuenced by dialogue, structure, and learner autonomy. Based on various regression analyses, our results show that several (digital) framework conditions must be created on both the teacher and student levels to achieve suf fcient digital learning success. In this sense, our fndings provide guidance on which aspects institutions of higher education should focus on when developing or updating their digitalization strategies. In accordance with collaborative learning approaches a key factor for learning success appears to be enabling peer-to-peer interactions. This fnding supports our prediction that the possibility of engaging in interactive learning activities is crucial for students' learning experience, as it might reduce the percep tion of transactional distance and allow for social exchange. The strongest predictor of students' learning success turned out to be the (perceived) digital competencies of the teachers. This fnding clearly emphasizes that teachers must be qualifed to address the very specifc challenges of teaching in digital contexts and indicates that universities may need to implement more teacher qualifcation programs. (DIPF/Orig.)
Struktur und Steuerung des Bildungswesens
Sowjetisierung. Zur Geschichte west- und ostdeutscher Narrative über die Schule und Pädagogik der […]
Geißler, Gert; Wiegmann, Ulrich
Journal Article
| In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft | 2023
44019 Endnote
Geißler, Gert; Wiegmann, Ulrich
Sowjetisierung. Zur Geschichte west- und ostdeutscher Narrative über die Schule und Pädagogik der SBZ/DDR
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft, 69 (2023) , S. 106-126
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
20. Jahrhundert; Bildungsforschung; Bildungsgeschichte; Deutschland-BRD; Deutschland-DDR; Deutschland-Sowjetische Besatzungszone; Diskursanalyse; Geschichte <Histor>; Literaturbericht; Ost-West-Vergleich; Pädagogik; Schulgeschichte; Schulsystem; Sowjetpädagogik; Sowjetunion; Sozialismus; Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft
Sowjetisierung hatte in den beiden nach 1945 entstandenen deutschen Staaten politisch diametral unterschiedliche Bedeutung. Der Beitrag zeichnet anhand von Publikationen, die sich auf Entwicklungen im Bildungswesen beziehen, den Umgang mit dem Verhältnis zwischen der SBZ/DDR und der Sowjetunion nach. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (english):
Sovietization had diametrically different political meanings in the two German states that emerged after 1945. The article traces the handling of the relationship between the Soviet Zone of Occupation (SBZ)/German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Soviet Union on the basis of publications relating to developments in education. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung
Theory matters: An example of deriving process indicators from log data to assess decision-making […]
Hahnel, Carolin; Jung, Alexander J.; Goldhammer, Frank
Journal Article
| In: European Journal of Psychological Assessment | 2023
43713 Endnote
Hahnel, Carolin; Jung, Alexander J.; Goldhammer, Frank
Theory matters: An example of deriving process indicators from log data to assess decision-making processes in web search tasks
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 39 (2023) 4, S. 271-279
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Clusteranalyse; Computerunterstütztes Verfahren; Dauer; Deutschland; Entscheidung; Informationskompetenz; Internet; Interpretation; Logdatei; Modell; Nutzerverhalten; Problemlösen; Recherche; Student; Test; Theorie
Abstract (english):
Following an extended perspective of evidence-centered design, this study provides a methodological exemplar of the theory-based construction of process indicators from log data. We investigated decision-making processes in web search as the target construct, assuming that individuals follow a heuristic search (focusing on search results vs. websites as a primary information source) and stopping rule (following a satisficing vs. sampling strategy). Drawing on these assumptions, we describe our reasoning for identifying the empirical evidence needed and selecting an assessment to obtain this evidence to derive process indicators that represent groups differentiated by search and stopping rule combinations. To evaluate our approach, we reanalyzed the processing behavior of 150 university students who were requested in four tasks to select a specific website from a list of five search results. We determined the process indicators per item and conducted multiple cluster analyses to investigate group recovery. For each item, we found three clusters, two of which matched our assumptions. Additionally, we explored the consistency of students' cluster membership across items and investigated their relationship with students' skills in evaluating online information. Based on the results, we discuss the tradeoff between construct breadth and process elaboration for deriving meaningful process indicators. (DIPF/Orig.)
Lehr und Lernqualität in Bildungseinrichtungen
A checklist to guide the planning, designing, implementation, and evaluation of learning analytics […]
Kaliisa, Rogers; Jivet, Ioana; Prinsloo, Paul
Journal Article
| In: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | 2023
43702 Endnote
Kaliisa, Rogers; Jivet, Ioana; Prinsloo, Paul
A checklist to guide the planning, designing, implementation, and evaluation of learning analytics dashboards
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20 (2023) , S. 28
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Benutzeroberfläche; Datenanalyse; Design; E-Learning; Empfehlung; Empirische Forschung; Evaluation; Implementierung; Lehrer; Lernprozess; Planung; Systematic Review; Tool; Visualisierung
Abstract (english):
Higher education institutions are moving to design and implement teacher-facing learning analytics (LA) dashboards with the hope that instructors can extract deep insights about student learning and make informed decisions to improve their teaching. While much attention has been paid to developing teacher-facing dashboards, less is known about how they are designed, implemented and evaluated. This paper presents a systematic literature review of existing studies reporting on teacher-facing LA dashboards. Out of the 1968 articles retrieved from several databases, 50 articles were included in the final analysis. Guided by several frameworks, articles were coded based on the following dimensions: purpose, theoretical grounding, stakeholder involvement, ethics and privacy, design, implementation, and evaluation criteria. The findings show that most dashboards are designed to increase teachers' awareness but with limited actionable insights to allow intervention. Moreover, while teachers are involved in the design process, this is mainly at the exploratory/problem definition stage, with little input beyond this stage. Most dashboards were prescriptive, less customisable, and implicit about the theoretical constructs behind their designs. In addition, dashboards are deployed at prototype and pilot stages, and the evaluation is dominated by self-reports and users' reactions with limited focus on changes to teaching and learning. Besides, only one study considered privacy as a design requirement. Based on the findings of the study and synthesis of existing literature, we propose a four-dimensional checklist for planning, designing, implementing and evaluating LA dashboards. (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
'Wissenschaftlichkeit' des Unterrichts in der DDR. Motive und Inszenierungen in Filmaufzeichnungen […]
Malotki, Cäcilia von; Reh, Sabine
Journal Article
| In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft | 2023
43786 Endnote
Malotki, Cäcilia von; Reh, Sabine
'Wissenschaftlichkeit' des Unterrichts in der DDR. Motive und Inszenierungen in Filmaufzeichnungen aus dem Deutschunterricht der 1970er und 1980er Jahre
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik. Beiheft, 69 (2023) , S. 56-74
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
20. Jahrhundert; Bildungsgeschichte; Deutschland-DDR; Deutschlehrer; Deutschunterricht; Diskurs; Fachdidaktik; Geschichte <Histor>; Ideologie; Macht; Motiv <Psy>; Mythos; Objektivität; Qualität; Sozialistische Erziehung; Unterrichtsanalyse; Unterrichtsbeobachtung; Videoaufzeichnung; Wissenschaftsverständnis
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Wirkmächtigkeit des Motivs der 'Wissenschaftlichkeit des Unterrichts', das in der DDR eine große Rolle gespielt hat. Ausgehend von einer Nachwende-Debatte über die Wissenschaftlichkeit des Deutschunterrichts der DDR und vor dem Hintergrund eines Verständnisses von Wissenschaft und Parteilichkeit in pädagogischen Diskursen der DDR werden Aufzeichnungen aus dem Deutschunterricht der 1970er und 1980er Jahre untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Wissenschaftlichkeit hier inszeniert wird als Orientierung an unhintergehbaren Fakten - selbst dann, wenn es sich um Lyrikinterpretationen und moralische Urteile handelt. Die produzierten Bilder eines den Unterricht klar strukturierenden Lehrers und dessen sachlich legitimierter Autorität bieten Ansatzpunkte für den Mythos einer 'reinen', nicht von Fragen der Politik und Macht durchkreuzten Wissenschaft. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung
Selbstberichtete Gründe für die (Nicht-)Nutzung von Familiensprachen beim […]
Reitenbach, Valentina; Decristan, Jasmin; Rauch, Dominique Patrizia; Bertram, Victoria; […]
Journal Article
| In: Unterrichtswissenschaft | 2023
43729 Endnote
Reitenbach, Valentina; Decristan, Jasmin; Rauch, Dominique Patrizia; Bertram, Victoria; Schneider, Katharina Maria
Selbstberichtete Gründe für die (Nicht-)Nutzung von Familiensprachen beim mehrsprachigkeitssensiblen Reziproken Lehren
Unterrichtswissenschaft, 51 (2023) 2, S. 221-243
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Befragung; Deutschland; Deutschunterricht; Empirische Untersuchung; Fragebogen; Grundschule; Grundschüler; Hessen; Inhaltsanalyse; Intervention; Kategorisierung; Kleingruppe; Kooperatives Lernen; Lehrerfortbildung; Mehrsprachigkeit; Muttersprache; Nordrhein-Westfalen; Nutzung; Schuljahr 04; Sprachgebrauch; Unterrichtsmaterial
Der Einbezug von Familiensprachen der Schüler*innen im Unterricht lässt sich aus kognitiver sowie aus anerkennungstheoretischer Perspektive begründen. Dennoch zeigen erste Studien, dass mehrsprachige Schüler*innen ihre Familiensprachen vergleichsweise selten nutzen, selbst wenn sie dazu angeregt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden aus der Perspektive der Schüler*innen Gründe für die (Nicht )Nutzung ihrer Familiensprachen beim Reziproken Lehren im Grundschulunterricht dargestellt. Für die Analysen wurden Daten aus einer Leseinterventionsstudie mit 667 Viertklässler*innen verwendet. Die Lehrkräfte nahmen an einer Fortbildung teil, in die eine Sensibilisierung für Mehrsprachigkeit und die kooperative Methode des Reziproken Lehrens in eine Unterrichtseinheit eingebettet waren. Anschließend setzten die Lehrkräfte diese in ihrem Deutschunterricht um. Neben der Zuordnung von Sprachpartner*innen in Kleingruppen wurden Sprachenportraits, zweisprachiges Unterrichtsmaterial und Sprachlernstifte eingesetzt, um mehrsprachige Interaktion anzuregen. Die Schüler*innen beantworteten am Ende der Einheit im Rahmen eines Fragebogens die Frage, ob sie während der Intervention eine andere Sprache als Deutsch gesprochen haben und wurden gebeten, ihre Antwort zu begründen. Von den mehrsprachigen Schüler*innen gaben 63% an, dass sie eine andere Sprache als Deutsch gesprochen haben. Mithilfe der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse wurden fünf Hauptkategorien der selbstberichteten Gründe für die (Nicht )Nutzung des Sprachangebots identifiziert: Individuum, Gruppe, Sprachangebot, Material und Zeit. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schüler*innen sowohl für die Nutzung als auch für die Nicht-Nutzung ihrer Familiensprachen während der Unterrichtseinheit hauptsächlich individuelle und gruppenbezogene Gründe angaben, die sich jeweils auf Sprachkompetenzen bezogen. Für individuumsbezogene Begründungen der Nutzung waren darüber hinaus sprachbezogene Emotionen bedeutsam. Aus den Ergebnissen lassen sich Implikationen für die Umsetzung einer mehrsprachigkeitssensiblen und -aktivierendenden Lernumgebung ableiten. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (english):
The inclusion of students' home languages in the classroom can be substantiated from a cognitive and from a recognition theory perspective. Nevertheless, initial studies show that multilingual students rarely use their home languages even when encouraged to do so. The paper presents reasons from students' perspectives for (not) using their home languages during the cooperative method of Reciprocal Teaching in elementary school. For data analyses, we used data from a reading intervention study with 667 fourth graders. Teachers participated in a professional development workshop in which awareness of multilingualism and Reciprocal Teaching were embedded in an instructional unit. They then implemented the instructional unit in their German classes. In addition to assigning language partners within small groups, language portraits, bilingual material, and multilingual audio-pens were used to stimulate multilingual interaction. After the instructional unit, students answered the question whether they spoke in a language other than German during the intervention and were asked to justify their answer. In total, 63% of the multilingual students indicated that they did speak a language other than German. Using qualitative content analysis, we identified five main categories of reasons for multilingual interaction: individual, group, material, instruction, and time. For both using or not using their home languages during the instructional unit, results show that students listed mainly individual- and group-related reasons that addressed language competencies. Furthermore, for individual-related reasons of use, language-related emotions were relevant. Implications for the implementation of a linguistically responsive learning environment are discussed based on the results. (DIPF/Orig.)
Lehr und Lernqualität in Bildungseinrichtungen
Personality and emotions in social interactions - the PESI project
Rentzsch, Katrin; Giese, Ann-Katrin; Hebel, Vera; Lösch, Thomas
Journal Article
| In: Personality Science | 2023
43755 Endnote
Rentzsch, Katrin; Giese, Ann-Katrin; Hebel, Vera; Lösch, Thomas
Personality and emotions in social interactions - the PESI project
Personality Science, 4 (2023) , S. e8241
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Analyse; Emotion; Fragebogen; Fremdeinschätzung; Neid; Persönlichkeit; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Selbsteinschätzung; Selbstwertgefühl; Soziale Beziehung; Soziale Interaktion; Vergleich; Verhalten; Videoaufzeichnung; Wahrnehmung
Abstract (english):
In this paper, we introduce the PESI project for investigating the interpersonal dynamics of Personality and Emotions in Social Interactions. The final sample in this preregistered study consisted of 436 participants (218 dyads) who were on average 31.2 years old (SD = 14.0, Range: 16-75). The study consisted of three parts and used a multimethod assessment: In Part 1, participants filled out online self-reports of personality. In Part 2, participants interacted in dyads at zero acquaintance in the laboratory and filled out self- and partner-reports of various states. During the interactions, video and audio tracks were recorded simultaneously, allowing later video analyses of every participant. In Part 3, participants provided self-reports via a follow-up online questionnaire. Our aim is to encourage researchers to use the present ideas, open materials, and data to be inspired to conduct future research. (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
Teacher's well-being and their teaching quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective study
Sacré, Margault; Ries, Nora; Wolf, Kristin; Kunter, Mareike
Journal Article
| In: Frontiers in Education | 2023
44143 Endnote
Sacré, Margault; Ries, Nora; Wolf, Kristin; Kunter, Mareike
Teacher's well-being and their teaching quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective study
Frontiers in Education, 8 (2023) , S. 1136940
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Befragung; Belastung; Deutschland; Fernunterricht; Grundschule; Klassenführung; Kognitive Aktivierung; Lehrer; Motivation; Pandemie; Qualität; Regressionsanalyse; Schüler; Sekundarbereich; Selbstregulation; Stress; Unterstützung; Wirkung; Wohlbefinden; Zufriedenheit
During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers reported low levels of well-being. Lower levels of well-being can negatively impact job performance and teaching quality. This study aims to examine whether the quality of teaching changed between before and during the pandemic, in two settings: remote and restricted in-person settings, and whether teachers' well-being was related to the quality of teaching. 279 German-speaking (primary and secondary) teachers were retrospectively surveyed with an online questionnaire. Results showed that even if teachers reported being emotionally exhausted, they still were satisfied with their profession, highlighting the multidimensionality of well-being. For online instruction, teachers reported decrease in teaching quality in terms of cognitive activation, classroom management, and learning support compared to pre-pandemic times. Additionally, according to the teachers, their teaching quality did not return to its original state when schools reopened. However, the data does not show that this decrease is associated with teachers' well-being. This study suggests that it is not only the quantity of learning that may have caused students' learning losses, but also its quality. As a possible practical consequence, it seems helpful to provide teachers not only with technical, but also pedagogical support when teaching online and after having returned to in-person settings. (DIPF/Orig.)
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