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Students' expectations of Learning Analytics across Europe
Wollny, Sebastian; Di Mitri, Daniele; Jivet, Ioana; Muñoz-Merino, Pedro; Scheffel, Maren; […]
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed Journals)
| In: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 2023
43542 Endnote
Wollny, Sebastian; Di Mitri, Daniele; Jivet, Ioana; Muñoz-Merino, Pedro; Scheffel, Maren; Schneider, Jan; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Whitelock-Wainwright, Alexander; Gašević, Dragan; Drachsler, Hendrik
Students' expectations of Learning Analytics across Europe
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39 (2023) 4, S. 1325-1338
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Analyse; Befragung; Datenanalyse; Datenerfassung; Datenschutz; Deutschland; Edinburgh; Erwartung; Ethik; Europa; Frankfurt a.M.; Großbritannien; Implementierung; Internationaler Vergleich; Lernprozess; Madrid; Niederlande; Spanien; Strategie; Student; Universität
Background : Learning Analytics (LA) is an emerging field concerned with measuring, collecting, and analysing data about learners and their contexts to gain insights into learning processes. As the technology of Learning Analytics is evolving, many systems are being implemented. In this context, it is essential to understand stakeholders' expectations of LA across Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for large-scale implementations that take their needs into account. Objectives : This study aims to contribute to knowledge about individual LA expectations of European higher education students. It may facilitate the strategy of stakeholder buy-in, the transfer of LA insights across HEIs, and the development of international best practices and guidelines. Methods : To this end, the study employs a 'Student Expectations of Learning Analytics Questionnaire' (SELAQ) survey of 417 students at the Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) Based on this data, Multiple Linear Regressions are applied to determine how these students position themselves compared to students from Madrid (Spain), Edinburgh (United Kingdom) and the Netherlands, where SELAQ had already been implemented at HEIs. Results and Conclusions : The results show that students' expectations at Goethe University Frankfurt are rather homogeneous regarding 'LA Ethics and Privacy' and 'LA Service Features'. Furthermore, we found that European students generally show a consistent pattern of expectations of LA with a high degree of similarity across the HEIs examined. European HEIs face challenges more similar than anticipated. The HEI experience with implementing LA can be more easily transferred to other HEIs, suggesting standardized LA rather than tailor-made solutions designed from scratch. (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
Zeigen und Bildung. Das Bild als Medium der Unterrichtung seit der frühen Neuzeit. 1. Workshop […]
Kollmann, Stefanie; Reh, Sabine (Hrsg.)
Collected Editions (Editorships)
| Berlin: DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation / BBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung | 2021
41627 Endnote
Kollmann, Stefanie; Reh, Sabine
Zeigen und Bildung. Das Bild als Medium der Unterrichtung seit der frühen Neuzeit. 1. Workshop "Pictura Paedagogica Online: Pädagogisches Wissen in Bildern"
Berlin: DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation / BBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung, 2021
Publication Type:
Sammelbände; Werkeditionen (Herausgeberschaft); Sammelband (keine besondere Kategorie)
16. Jahrhundert; 17. Jahrhundert; 18. Jahrhundert; 19. Jahrhundert; 20. Jahrhundert; Anschauungsunterricht; Bild; Bildungsgeschichte; Deutschland; Didaktisches Material; Druck <Grafik>; Flugblatt; Frauenbild; Geschichte <Histor>; Geschichtsunterricht; Großbritannien; Illustration; Kinderbuch; Lehrmittel; Lesenlernen; Niederlande; Sachbuch; Schweiz; Selbstportrait; Sinti und Roma; Unterrichtsmedien; Visuelle Erziehung; Visuelles Medium; Wandbild
Als didaktisches Material wurden Bilder seit der frühen Neuzeit eingesetzt; Bilder, die dazu dienten, die Welt mit ihrer Hilfe zu erklären, gibt es selbstverständlich schon länger. Dem Bild wurde eine veranschaulichende Funktion zugeschrieben, oftmals mit der Hoffnung verbunden, den Lernenden einen sowohl weiteren wie auch leichteren Zugang zum Lerngegenstand zu eröffnen. Es stellt sich die Frage, auf welche - historisch unterschiedlichen - Weisen das visuelle Medium einen Lerngegenstand präsentierte und damit auch konstruierte, wie zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten Bild und Wort dabei in Verbindung gestellt wurden, sich ergänzten oder auch widersprachen und auf welche Weise den Lernenden Bilder zugänglich gemacht wurden, was mit den Bildern geschah und wie mit ihnen umgegangen wurde. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (english):
Images have been used as didactic material since early modern times; images that served to explain the world with their help have of course been around for longer. The image has been ascribed an illustrative function, often with the hope of giving learners both wider and easier access to the subject matter. The question arises in which - historically different - ways the visual medium presented and thus also constructed an object of learning, how at different times the image and the word were connected, complemented or also contradicted each other, and in which ways images were made accessible to learners, what happened to the images and how they were dealt with. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung
An exploratory latent class analysis of student expectations towards learning analytics services
Whitelock-Wainwright, Alexander; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Drachsler, Hendrik; Scheffel, Maren; Gašević, Dragan
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed Journals)
| In: The Internet and Higher Education | 2021
41381 Endnote
Whitelock-Wainwright, Alexander; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Drachsler, Hendrik; Scheffel, Maren; Gašević, Dragan
An exploratory latent class analysis of student expectations towards learning analytics services
The Internet and Higher Education, 51 (2021) , S. 100818
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Learning Analytics; Hochschulbildung; Student; Studentin; Erwartung; Service; Individueller Unterschied; Exploration; Befragung; Fragebogen; Latent-Class-Analyse; Niederlande
For service implementations to be widely adopted, it is necessary for the expectations of the key stakeholders to be considered. Failure to do so may lead to services reflecting ideological gaps, which will inadvertently create dissatisfaction among its users. Learning analytics research has begun to recognise the importance of understanding the student perspective towards the services that could be potentially offered; however, student engagement remains low. Furthermore, there has been no attempt to explore whether students can be segmented into different groups based on their expectations towards learning analytics services. In doing so, it allows for a greater understanding of what is and is not expected from learning analytics services within a sample of students. The current exploratory work addresses this limitation by using the three-step approach to latent class analysis to understand whether student expectations of learning analytics services can clearly be segmented, using self-report data obtained from a sample of students at an Open University in the Netherlands. The findings show that student expectations regarding ethical and privacy elements of a learning analytics service are consistent across all groups; however, those expectations of service features are quite variable. These results are discussed in relation to previous work on student stakeholder perspectives, policy development, and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument. A multinational study
Whitelock-Wainwright, Alexander; Gašević, Dragan; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Drachsler, Hendrik; […]
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed Journals)
| In: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 2020
39876 Endnote
Whitelock-Wainwright, Alexander; Gašević, Dragan; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Drachsler, Hendrik; Scheffel, Maren; Muñoz-Merino, Pedro J.; Tammets, Kairit; Delgado Kloos, Carlos
Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument. A multinational study
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36 (2020) 2, S. 209-240
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Lernprozess; Analyse; Implementierung; Universität; Student; Erwartung; Ethik; Validität; Fragebogen; Erhebungsinstrument; Übersetzung; Lernen; Selbstregulation; Datenanalyse; Faktorenanalyse; Estland; Spanien; Niederlande
To assist higher education institutions in meeting the challenge of limited student engagement in the implementation of Learning Analytics services, the Questionnaire for Student Expectations of Learning Analytics (SELAQ) was developed. This instrument contains 12 items, which are explained by a purported two‐factor structure of "Ethical and Privacy Expectations" and "Service Feature Expectations." As it stands, however, the SELAQ has only been validated with students from UK university, which is problematic on account of the interest in Learning Analytics extending beyond this context. Thus, the aim of the current work was to assess whether the translated SELAQ can be validated in three contexts (an Estonian, a Spanish, and a Dutch University). The findings show that the model provided acceptable fits in both the Spanish and Dutch samples, but was not supported in the Estonian student sample. In addition, an assessment of local fit is undertaken for each sample, which provides important points that need to be considered in future work. Finally, a general comparison of expectations across contexts is undertaken, which are discussed in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation (2018). (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
The longitudinal links of personality traits, values, and well-being and self-esteem. A five-wave […]
Fetvadjiev, Velichko H.; He, Jia
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed Journals)
| In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 2019
39222 Endnote
Fetvadjiev, Velichko H.; He, Jia
The longitudinal links of personality traits, values, and well-being and self-esteem. A five-wave study of a nationally representative sample
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117 (2019) 2, S. 448-464
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Affekt; Einflussfaktor; Kognition; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Messverfahren; Niederlande; Persönlichkeit; Persönlichkeitsmerkmal; Selbstwertgefühl; Wert; Wohlbefinden
[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported online in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology on Apr 4 2019 (see record 2019-18472-001). In the article, the stability model is referred to incorrectly as trait-state error model in the abstract, twice in the main body of the article, and in the Table 2 Note. Corrected versions of the fourth sentence in the abstract, the first sentence of the Analysis Outline section, and the first sentence of the Table 2 Note are provided in the erratum. The Kenny & Zautra (1995) reference has been deleted from the text and References list, and Steyer & Schmitt (1994) was added to the text and References list. All versions of this article have been corrected.] The existence of links between personality traits, values, and well-being and self-esteem is well established, but the nature and direction of these links have been less clearly understood. This study examines longitudinally the stability of traits and values, their mutual effects, and their effects on affective and cognitive well-being and self-esteem. We analyzed data from a nationally representative panel in The Netherlands, spanning 5 time points spread across 8 years (n = 5,159 to 7,021 per time point, total N = 11,890). We estimated latent state-trait models with autoregression and random-intercepts cross-lagged panel models to account for the trait-like, time-invariant stability of the constructs. Traits were more stable than values. The bidirectional effects tended to be significant, but could be distinguished by their relative size. Traits predicted values more strongly than they were predicted by values, and generally predicted well-being and self-esteem more strongly than values did. Traits predicted broad well-being (especially its affective aspects) more strongly than they were predicted by it; values, by contrast, were predicted by well-being (especially its cognitive aspects and self-esteem) more strongly than they predicted it. The findings highlight the central role of traits for personality functioning, while also supporting the mutual constitution of traits and other personality concepts. The results are discussed in the framework of different theoretical approaches to the composition of the broader personality system. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bildungsqualität und Evaluation
Picture archives and the emergence of visual history of education. ISCHE 40 pre-conference […]
Kollmann, Stefanie; Müller, Lars; Reh, Sabine; Dane, Jacques; Ruiten, Tijs van (Hrsg.)
Collected Editions (Editorships)
| Berlin: DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation / BBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung | 2018
38870 Endnote
Kollmann, Stefanie; Müller, Lars; Reh, Sabine; Dane, Jacques; Ruiten, Tijs van
Picture archives and the emergence of visual history of education. ISCHE 40 pre-conference workshop; 3rd workshop "Pictura Paedagogica Online: educational knowledge in images"
Berlin: DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation / BBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung, 2018
Publication Type:
Sammelbände; Werkeditionen (Herausgeberschaft); Sammelband (keine besondere Kategorie)
Bild; Archiv; Datenbank; Schule; Bildungsgeschichte; Visuelles Medium; Archivwesen; Digitalisierung; Geschichte <Histor>; 19. Jahrhundert; 20. Jahrhundert; Tagungsbericht; Niederlande; Deutschland; China
Abstract (english):
One of the characteristic features of modern life is the omnipresence of images - in public life as well as in the private surroundings. At latest with coining the term "Visual history" at the beginning of the nineteen nineties historical disciplines are dealing with this ever growing pool of pictorial sources. This is also true for educational history - especially when keeping in mind that the use of images in an educational context is common practice since early modern ages. This concerns the presentation practices, the design of didactic visual media and their use in educational practice as well as the illustrated traces of historical educational practice and historical educational knowledge (e.g. photographs of school buildings or educational scenes). There are various digital picture archives to address the research questions of many historical disciplines. These databases, though, differ widely in purpose and design - and of course they cannot serve every scientific demand. According to Gerhard Paul there should be at least four layers of information evaluation when analysing historical images (reality of depiction, genesis, use and impact). Thus, building up a corpus of image sources with sufficient accompanying information can be quite challenging. As major topic the Pre-Conference Workshop will focus on the impact of the discipline on developing and maintaining of a picture archive. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung
Difference or delay? A comparison of Bayley-III Cognition item scores of young children with and […]
Visser, Linda; Vlaskamp, Carla; Emde, Cornelius; Ruiter, Selma; Timmerman, Marieke
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed Journals)
| In: Research in Developmental Disabilities | 2017
37881 Endnote
Visser, Linda; Vlaskamp, Carla; Emde, Cornelius; Ruiter, Selma; Timmerman, Marieke
Difference or delay? A comparison of Bayley-III Cognition item scores of young children with and without developmental disabilities
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 71 (2017) , S. 109-119
Publication Type:
Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Kind; Vorschulalter; Grundschulalter; Kognitive Entwicklung; Entwicklungsstörung; Test; Messverfahren; Erhebungsinstrument; Reliabilität; Validität; Vergleich; Niederlande
Abstract (english):
The "difference or delay paradigm" focuses on the question of whether children with developmental disabilities (DD) develop in a way that is only delayed, compared to typically developing children, or also qualitatively different. The current study aimed to examine whether qualitative differences exist in cognitive development of young children with and without DD on the basis of item scores on the Dutch Bayley-III Cognition scale. Differential item functioning was identified for 15 of the 91 items. The presence of DD was related to a higher number of Guttman errors, hinting at more deviation in the order of skill development. An interaction between group (i.e., with or without DD) and developmental quotient appeared to predict the number of Guttman errors. DD was related to a higher number of Guttman errors for the whole range of developmental quotients; children with DD with a small developmental quotient had the highest number. Combined, the results mean that qualitative differences in development are not to be excluded, especially in cases of severe developmental disabilities. When using the Bayley-III in daily practice, the possibility needs to be taken into account that the instruments' assumption of a fixed order in skill development does not hold. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bildung und Entwicklung
Bildungswesen in den Niederlanden / Education in the Netherlands
Cohen, Nadia; Siddiquie, Jana
Working Papers, Documentations, Discussion Papers
| ohne Quellenangabe | 2016
36644 Endnote
Cohen, Nadia; Siddiquie, Jana
Bildungswesen in den Niederlanden / Education in the Netherlands
Frankfurt am Main: ohne Quellenangabe, 2016
Publication Type:
Arbeitspapiere; dokumentarische und Diskussionsbeiträge; Dokumentarischer Beitrag
Englisch; Deutsch
Bildung; Bildungsbericht; Bildungsministerium; Bildungspolitik; Bildungsstatistik; Bildungssystem; Fachgesellschaft; Flandern; Forschung; Hochschule; Kooperation; Niederlande; Schülerleistung; Studien; Vereinigung
Obwohl der kleine EU-Mitgliedsstaat verhältnismäßig wenig Schlagzeilen bezüglich internationaler Politik macht, so sammeln sich doch mittlerweile die Schlagzeilen über sein erfolgreiches Bildungssystem. Regelmäßig gehören die Niederlande in internationalen Leistungsmessungs-Studien zu den sogenannten "TopPerformern". Im Jahr 2013 schlossen 92 Prozent aller niederländischen Schüler die weiterführende Schule erfolgreich ab. Und die OECD stellte in ihrem jährlichen Bildungsbericht "Education at a glance" 2016 außerdem fest, dass in Europa nur die Niederlande und Belgien die OECD-Bildungsziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung erfüllen. Das niederländische Bildungssystem ist dezentral aufgebaut. Zwar liegt die oberste Kompetenz beim Staat, beziehungsweise dem Minister und dem Staatssekretär für Bildung, Kultur und Wissenschaft. Mit Ausnahme von Hochschulen, welche dem Staat obliegen, werden jedoch der primäre und sekundäre Bildungsbereich von den regionalen Administrationen verwaltet. Außerdem ist eine große Anzahl von Bildungseinrichtungen in den Niederlanden durch private Hand finanziert und aufgebaut, da per Gesetz jeder das Recht hat, eine solche zu eröffnen. Viele dieser Schulen haben einen speziellen konfessionell ausgerichteten Fokus, dennoch entscheidet der Staat über das landesweite Curriculum. Für Kinder von 5 bis 16 besteht Schulpflicht, allerdings beginnen Kinder in den Niederlanden im Durchschnitt ihre Schulbildung schon im Alter von vier Jahren. Im Hochschulbereich nehmen die Niederlande, wie die Mehrheit der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten, am Bologna-Prozess teil. Seit dem Jahr 2002 werden Bildungsreformen dort nach den Maßgaben des Bologna Prozesses ausgerichtet. Anlässlich der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016, die die Niederlande und Flandern als Gastländer /-regionen geladen hat, bietet Ihnen Bildung Weltweit im vorliegenden Dossier einen Überblick über das Bildungswesen in diesen beiden Ländern / Regionen, die eine gemeinsame Sprache verbindet. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (english):
Even though this small EU member state does not make many headlines when it comes to international politics, it has certainly managed to make quite a few headlines about its successful educational system. The Netherlands have repeatedly scored top marks in various international surveys on students' performances. In 2013, 92% of Dutch students successfully graduated from secondary school. On top of that, the OECD's annual education report "Education at a glance" 2016 states that the Netherlands and Belgium were the only European countries that effectively met the benchmark level for the OECD sustainable development targets. The Netherlands has a decentralised education system. The state has the highest supervisory authority in educational matters, represented by the minister as well as the state secretary for education, culture and science. With the exception of institutions of higher education however, being the responsibility of the state, primary and secondary education is administered by local authorities. Moreover, a high amount of Dutch educational institutions is being funded by private investors since everyone has the right to establish schools. Many of those schools have a particular religious affiliation. Nonetheless, they have to meet the criteria of the official national curriculum. Education in the Netherlands is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 16, even though most children start school at the age of 4. Like the majority of its fellow EU member states the Netherlands is also part of the Bologna Agreement and has been implementing reforms accordingly since 2002. On the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 and its guests of honour, the Netherlands and Flanders, both being linked through a shared language, Education Worldwide gives an overview of their educational systems. (DIPF/Orig.)
Informationszentrum Bildung
Computergestützte Ansätze zur Förderung der Leseleistung durch Manipulation individueller Lesezeiten
Lindberg, Sven; Nagler, Telse; Bar-Kochva, Irit; Hasselhorn, Marcus
Book Chapters and Proceedings Papers (Full Text Peer Review)
| Aus: Hasselhorn, Marcus;Schneider, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Förderprogramme für Vor- und Grundschule | Göttingen: Hogrefe | 2016
36188 Endnote
Lindberg, Sven; Nagler, Telse; Bar-Kochva, Irit; Hasselhorn, Marcus
Computergestützte Ansätze zur Förderung der Leseleistung durch Manipulation individueller Lesezeiten
Hasselhorn, Marcus;Schneider, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Förderprogramme für Vor- und Grundschule, Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2016 (Tests und Trends. N.F., 14), S. 199-208
Publication Type:
Beiträge in Sammelbänden; Sammelband (keine besondere Kategorie)
Auswahl; Computerunterstütztes Verfahren; Deutschland; Großbritannien; Grundschüler; Intervention; Israel; Leseförderung; Lesegeschwindigkeit; Lesestörung; Leseverstehen; Niederlande; Studien; Text; Training
Im Bereich der computergestützten Leseförderung wurden in den letzten Jahren erfolgreich Interventionsprogramme eingesetzt, in denen individuelle Lesezeiten direkt manipuliert wurden. Grundlage dieser Programme ist das sogenannte Beschleunigungsphänomen, das einen messbaren Anstieg des Leseverständnisses umschreibt, der durch eine künstliche Steigerung des individuellen Lesetempos erzeugt wurde. Der vorliegende Beitrag bietet einen aktuellen Überblick über den Forschungsstand und beschreibt verschiedene Ansätze der Manipulation von Lesezeiten. Stärken und Schwächen bisheriger Arbeiten werden beleuchtet und es werden zusammenfassend die Herausforderungen weiterführender Forschung skizziert. (DIPF/Orig.)
Bildung und Entwicklung
Who retires when and why? A comparative analysis of retirement processes on the case study Denmark
Schilling, Julia
Monographs (Authorship)
| Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press | 2016
36565 Endnote
Schilling, Julia
Who retires when and why? A comparative analysis of retirement processes on the case study Denmark
Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press, 2016 (Schriften aus der Fakultät Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 23)
Publication Type:
Monographien (Autorenschaft); Monographie
Alter Mensch; Arbeit; Arbeitsmarkt; Beschäftigung; Bevölkerungsentwicklung; Dänemark; Datenanalyse; Deutschland; Globalisierung; Internationaler Vergleich; Niederlande; Rentenalter; Ruhestand; Sekundäranalyse; Übergang
Abstract (english):
Struktur und Steuerung des Bildungswesens
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