KONTEXT Grundschule – Cooperatively Created InfoTEXTs for Primary Schools

Teachers have practical expertise, researchers have research knowledge. We bring both together – on an information website for primary school teachers. Science and school practitioners jointly create a digital information service with practice-relevant topics related to low performing students.

Project Description

When searching for information on educational topics on the internet, one often has the choice between scientific but complex articles with no practical relevance for schools or shorter, practice-oriented search hits which in turn lack scientific foundation.

Therefore, the core of the project is teamwork between school practice, research and science communication (as so-called transdisciplinary triangles). Teachers share practical knowledge, challenges and experiences from the classroom, while scientists contribute research findings from a variety of studies. Through collaborative knowledge missions, the combined expertise flows into InfoTEXTsThese are freely accessible and easy-to-understand articles on educational website for teachers – a so-called clearinghouse.

The overarching topic is a question that is becoming increasingly important in many elementary schools: How can low-achieving children be better supported – also with the help of digital tools?
Together, we can address current challenges and questions from everyday school life and customise the InfoTEXTs to suit teachers' needs.

The innovative feature of the project is the basic idea of combining research findings and practical experience and moulding them into a joint product on an equal footing (as a co-constructive, bidirectional transfer process). Researching the final products and the process is another project goal.

"lernen:digital" provides the project framework: The BMBF-funded project brings together 'competence centres for digital and digitally supported teaching in schools and further education'.

Are you a teacher or researcher and interested in the collaborative mission to prepare and publish a practice-relevant topic online? Please get in touch with the project team! a29udGV4dEBkaXBmLmRl


Logo Federal Ministry of Education and Research


  • TU München (Prof. Dr. Doris Holzberger & Prof. Dr. Tina Seidel)
  • Universität Tübingen (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lachner)

Projekt Objectives

Together with school practitioners, we want to
... create a digital resource (clearinghouse) for primary school teachers based on their needs,
... combine scientific findings and teaching experience innovatively
... strengthen the research-practice transfer.l

Project Management

Project Team

Project Details

Current project
Areas of focus
Department: Teacher and Teaching Quality
Education Sectors: Primary and Secondary Education, Further Education, Science
02/2023 - 06/2026
External funding
Contact: Hannah Kleen, Academic Staff

Logo: Kontext Grundschule

Logo: Kompetenzverbund lernen digital