DIPF aims to create a scientific basis for overcoming challenges in the education system. In this way, equitable participation in education is to be made possible and individual support continuously improved.
In order to research differential educational conditions and trajectories, researchers take into account individual, institutional and structural levels of the education system as well as their interactions. The researchers thus aim at making educational processes succeed and remove barriers in pre-school, school and university educational settings.
In this regard, DIPF has a broad range of expertise. Here, researchers evaluate educational reforms and examine them with regard to the interaction of structures and individual learning conditions. The individual prerequisites for successful learning are a focal point. Research is conducted on how children and adolescents can be individually supported in an optimal way, and which risk factors have a negative impact on school-related competences and socio-emotional well-being.
In order to further expand educational offers in kindergartens, schools and universities, the Institute researches teaching in heterogeneous learning groups, with a particular focus on professionalising educational staff. They should learn, for example, how teaching works differently given different individual prerequisites and how learners with special needs can be better supported.
- ABIBA | Meta – Overcoming Educational Barriers: Learning Environments, Educational Success and Social Participation
- AMSel – ADHS-Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Self-Regulation Interventions
- Accompanying Design and Research for the Startchancen Programme
- BIJU – Learning Processes, Educational Careers, and Psychosocial Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Study
- BONUS study: Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the Bonus Program for schools in challenging circumstances in Berlin
- BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development
- Berlin Longitudinal Reading Study (LESEN 3 – 6)
- COACTIV-expeRt – Development and Impact of Teachers’ Professional Competence – A Longitudinal Study over 10 Years
- DYNAMIC – Dynamic Network Approach of Mental Health in Children and Adolescents
- E-CER – In Search for the Good Teacher – Centre for Excellence in Research
- EABU – Emergence and Reducation of Educational Inequalities in Childhood and Adolescence
- EAGLeS – English Acquisition in German Learning Disabled Students
- Educational choices and educational pathways within the context of structural changes in Berlin’s secondary school system (BERLIN study)
- EiKlar – EEG in the classroom
- Evaluation of the preparatory service in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- ExTra – Experiences during the Transition out of Upper Secondary Education
- FLINK – How to Read Fluently: Individual Intervention of Reading Competencies
- FePrax – Diagnostic Practice for the Purpose of Determining Special Educational Needs as well as Disparities between German Federal States within the Framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- GEN-CORE – Generic Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education
- GTS-Bilanz – Quality of All-day Provisions. Perspectives after 15 Years of Research on All-day Schools
- GesUB – Research Synthesis on the Genesis of Social Inequalities in Educational Attainment
- Hector – Scientific Support for the Hector Children's Academies in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg
- INFLATE – School Grades: Between Inflation, Stability and Deflation
- InSel – Recognise Internalising Symptoms and Respond Professionally
- KONTEXT Grundschule – Cooperatively Created InfoTEXTs for Primary Schools
- KoaLa – Cognitively Activating and Collaborative Learning Opportunities
- LEGA – Elementary School Age Reading Strategies
- LONDI 2 – Implementation and Evaluation of the LONDI Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders
- MILES-HuGS – Primary and Secondary Social Background Effects at Different Points of Transition in the Education System
- MORAL – Socio-Moral Development of Children and Adolescents
- MeBis – Multilingualism in Educational Settings: Practices and Attitudes of Teachers, Parents and Children towards Multilingualism
- MotivO – Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement across Orthographies
- NEOS Study – Scientific Monitoring of the New Upper Secondary School in Schleswig-Holstein
- NEPS – National Educational Panel Study, stage 5
- National Report on Education
- PREDICT – Prediction Generation as a Tool to Activate Children’s Prior Knowledge and Improve Learning
- PROMPT – Optimizing Self-Regulated Learning Processes With Digital Prompts
- PuS-SeL – Problem solving and Strategies – Self-regulation of Learning
- RABE 2 – Risk Factors and Consequences of Learning Difficulties up to Early Adulthood
- Rocket – The Role of Orthographic Knowledge in Reading and Spelling Development
- SchiWa – Schools in Times of Change
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- Stereo-Disk — Stereotypes as Obstacles for Professional Diagnostics in an Inclusive School Context
- Stereo-no-GO – Gender- and Origin-based Inequalities in Programs for Gifted Children
- TaLC – Teacher Language in Classrooms
- The Multidimensional Self-concept in School Contexts: Extending Empirical Findings
- ViolAA – Teachers‘ Reaction to Norm Violations at School
- WieSeL – Knowledge, Application, Promotion: Self-Regulation Competence of Teachers
- ZIB – Centre for International Student Assessment