DIPF aims to create a scientific basis for overcoming challenges in the education system. In this way, equitable participation in education is to be made possible and individual support continuously improved.

In order to research differential educational conditions and trajectories, researchers take into account individual, institutional and structural levels of the education system as well as their interactions. The researchers thus aim at making educational processes succeed and remove barriers in pre-school, school and university educational settings.

In this regard, DIPF has a broad range of expertise. Here, researchers evaluate educational reforms and examine them with regard to the interaction of structures and individual learning conditions. The individual prerequisites for successful learning are a focal point. Research is conducted on how children and adolescents can be individually supported in an optimal way, and which risk factors have a negative impact on school-related competences and socio-emotional well-being.

In order to further expand educational offers in kindergartens, schools and universities, the Institute researches teaching in heterogeneous learning groups, with a particular focus on professionalising educational staff. They should learn, for example, how teaching works differently given different individual prerequisites and how learners with special needs can be better supported.
