Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
The unit "Teaching and Learning in School Contexts" studies instructional processes that are particularly suitable for promoting students' cognitive and motivational developments respectively how teachers can succeed in creating such conducive learning environments.
The research unit "Teaching and Learning in School Contexts" is concerned with research into high-quality instruction and the competence that teachers need in order to design such instruction. We focus on exploring three major aspects of high-quality instruction, this is, cognitive activation, learning support and classroom management. We investigate the measurement of these aspects, their differential effectiveness for students with different learning backgrounds and the cognitive processes they evoke in students. Antoher research focus is the investigation of the measurement, development and promotion of teachers' professional competence. Professional competence is defined as the knowledge, beliefs and motivation that teachers need in order to conduct high-quality instruction in heterogeneous classrooms. We investigate the development of this competence not only in university teacher education but also across the practical induction phase and later on in the workplace.
Teacher and Teaching Quality
The department of Teacher and Teaching Quality (TTQ) focuses on the investigation of quality and effectiveness of educational processes.
Prof. Dr. Mareike KunterTeam
- Dr. Mohammad Arsyad Arrafii, Visiting Researcher
- Dr. Franziska Baier-Mosch, Academic Staff
- Johanna Bake, B.Sc., Assistant
- Dr. Lukas Begrich, Associated Researcher
- Victoria Bertram, M.A., Academic Staff
- Carlotta Dilcher, Doctoral Candidate
- Simone Emmenlauer, Doctoral Candidate
- Dr. Ulrike Hartmann, Head of Unit
- Nick Gerrit Hasche, M.A., Doctoral Candidate
- Nathalie John, Doctoral Candidate
- Verena Jörg, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
- Dr. Hannah Kleen, Academic Staff
- Anna Maria Leitz, Doctoral Candidate
- Michaela Menstell, M.A., Coordinator
- Dr. Charity Onyishi, Visiting Researcher
- Nora Ries, Doctoral Candidate
- Charlotte Schell, Doctoral Candidate
- Caroline Scherer, Doctoral Candidate
- Dr. Raphaela Schlicht-Schmälzle, Academic Staff
- Dr. Jürgen Schneider, Academic Staff
- David Simon, Doctoral Candidate
- René Staab, Associated Researcher
- Stefanie Sterzel, Assistant
- Dr. Desiree Theis, Academic Staff
- Antje Thiele, Coordinator
Stefanie SterzelProjects
- COACTIV-expeRt – Development and Impact of Teachers’ Professional Competence – A Longitudinal Study over 10 Years
- Campus Schools Frankfurt
- E-CER – In Search for the Good Teacher – Centre for Excellence in Research
- EiKlar – EEG in the classroom
- Evaluation of the preparatory service in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School
- KONTEXT Grundschule – Cooperatively Created InfoTEXTs for Primary Schools
- KoaLa – Cognitively Activating and Collaborative Learning Opportunities
- PaTH – Participative Knowledge Transfer between University and School Practice
- Peers4Practice – A Tandem approach for Early Career Teachers and Researchers
- SYNERGIE – Systematic, Sustainable and Evidence-Oriented Professional Development in Schools
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- Stereo-Disk — Stereotypes as Obstacles for Professional Diagnostics in an Inclusive School Context