Transfer Projects and Network Coordination

In addition to its research activities, DIPF also carries out transfer and communication projects.
- DIPF coordinates the interdisciplinary joint-venture project ABIBA | Meta, which supports 12 BMBF projects dealing with the reduction of barriers to education. These projects investigate how social background affects the educational success and social participation of children and young people and how disadvantages can be prevented.
- BISS Transfer – Education Through Language and Writing is a joint initiative of the Federal Government and the Länder to transfer language and literacy education to schools and day-care centres. By 2025, some 90 associations of schools and day-care centres will be working on the practical implementation f scientifically based concepts for language teaching. DIPF is a member of the funding consortium.
- Researchers from 25 institutions have joined forces in the Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN) to pool their expertise and increase the visibility of the Leibniz Association in educational matters among policymakers, educational administrators and the public. The research network, which is coordinated at DIPF, hosts the annual Education Policy Forum, which serves as a forum for exchange among stakeholders from educational practice, policy and academia.
- DIPF coordinates the research network Schule macht stark - SchuMaS. As part of this federal state initiative, researchers from 13 institutions are collaborating with 200 schools in socially disadvantaged areas to give socially disadvantaged students better educational opportunities and thus balance educational inequalities throughout Germany.
- The Campus Schools Frankfurt programme brings together schools, educational researchers and teacher trainings to improve students’ educational opportunities. Schools receive regular information on specific educational research topics, take part in further training and can participate in scientific projects. This allows teachers to put research findings into practice and vice versa researchers to gain an insight into everyday school life.
- The 200 projects in the lernen:digital competence network develop training courses, materials and school development concepts for the digital transformation of schools and teacher training. DIPF processes the results and activities of the network for the public and makes training modules and concepts as well as teaching materials available on the ComPleTT and MUNDO/SODIX platforms.
- Long-term collaboration between teachers and researchers promotes mutual knowledge transfer, benefiting both educational practice and research. The PaTH project provides an overview of the activities of such science-practice partnerships in Germany and examines their potential and obstacles.