Autor*innen: He, Jia; Buchholz, Janine; Klieme, Eckhard
Titel: Effects of anchoring vignettes on comparability and predictive validity of student self-reports in 64 cultures
In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48 (2017) 3, S. 319-334
DOI: 10.1177/0022022116687395
URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-dipfdocs-156073
URL: http://www.dipfdocs.de/volltexte/2018/15607/pdf/0022022116687395_A.pdf
Dokumenttyp: Zeitschriftenbeiträge; Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwörter: Bewertung; Internationaler Vergleich; Item-Response-Theory; Klassenführung; Kultureinfluss; Mathematikunterricht; Messverfahren; Modell; Motivation; OECD-Länder; PISA <Programme for International Student Assessment>; Qualität; Schüler; Schülerleistungstest; Schülerorientierter Unterricht; Selbsteinschätzung; Unterricht; Validität; Vignette <Methode>
Abstract (english): Anchoring vignettes are item batteries especially designed for correcting responses that might be affected by incomparability. This article investigates the effects of anchoring vignettes on the validity of student self-report data in 64 cultures. Using secondary data analysis from the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), we checked the validity of ratings on vignette questions, and investigated how rescaled item responses of two student scales, Teacher Support and Classroom Management, enhanced comparability and predictive validity. The main findings include that (a) responses to vignette questions represent valid individual and cultural differences; in particular, violations in these responses (i.e., misorderings) are related to low socioeconomic status and low cognitive sophistication; (b) the rescaled responses tend to show higher levels of comparability; and (c) the associations of rescaled Teacher Support and Classroom Management with math achievement, Student-Oriented Instruction, and Teacher-Directed Instruction are slightly different from raw scores of the two target constructs, and the associations with rescaled scores seem to be more in line with the literature. Namely, the associations among all self-report Likerttype scales are weaker with rescaled scores, presumably reducing common method variance, and both rescaled scale scores are more positively related to math achievement. The country ranking also changes substantially; in particular, Asian cultures top the ranking on Teacher Support after rescaling. However, anchoring vignettes are not a cure-all in solving measurement bias in crosscultural surveys; we discuss the technicality and directions for further research on this technique. (DIPF/Orig.)
DIPF-Abteilung: Bildungsqualität und Evaluation