Autor*innen: Keck, Helena; Heck, Tamara
Titel: Improving tagging literacy to enhance metadata and retrieval for open educational resources
Aus: DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Conference on Learning Information Literacy across the Globe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 10th of May 2019, Frankfurt am Main: DIPF | Leibniz‐Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, 2019 , S. 10
URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-dipfdocs-177637
URL: http://www.dipfdocs.de/volltexte/2019/17763/pdf/Heck_2019_Keck_Tagging_Literacy_OER_A.pdf
Dokumenttyp: Beiträge in Sammelbänden; Tagungsband/Konferenzbeitrag/Proceedings
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwörter: Open Educational Resources; Digitale Medien; Metadaten; Information Retrieval; Social Tagging; Fertigkeit; Nutzerverhalten; Analyse
Abstract: The growing amount of open educational resources and the diversity on learning and teaching makes social tagging attractive for the educational field. Social tagging services become valuable in contexts where users can support the enrichment, sharing and management of relevant resources. Potential benefits are the enrichment of imcomplete metadata, which is crucial to offer effective retrieval services. However, user tagging skills need to be fostered if users shall effectively contribute to the idea of collaboratively sharing and creating educational resources. Our results show that users apply specific tags for their learning and teaching resources that we tried to assign to additional tag categories. Based on our results, we suggest improving such services with a more user-centric approach that supports the development of user competencies on social tagging. We will contribute to a better understanding of user tagging behaviour in services focusing on educational resources. On the one hand, this will help us to improve current services. On the other hand, we are able to build services that foster tagging literacy. This will be beneficial for users, which will be able to better manage their digital resources, and for infrastructure providers, which can apply user-generated data to improve their services. (DIPF/Orig.)
DIPF-Abteilung: Informationszentrum Bildung