Development of Successful Learning
Particular difficulties in acquiring written language and mathematics increase the risk of children's educational failure. The diagnosis, prevention and overcoming of such learning and performance difficulties, e.g. through individual support, is a central part of the research in this department unit.
Which capabilities contribute to successful learning during childhood? What are the developmental trajectories of these capabilities and how can we achieve their improvement at which points in the individual development process? To provide answers to these questions, a wide range of competencies are examined in terms of their development processes, learning functionalities and modifiability:
- cognitive skills (e.g. attention control, functions of working memory, strategies of learning, domain-specific precursors, previous knowledge),
- motivational skills (self-concept, intrinsic motivation) and
- volitional competencies (self-regulation, action control).
In addition, the needs of pedagogical practice for individual support options are addressed and approaches tailored to the children's level of development are researched, developed and tested.
Education and Human Development
The department analyses individual and differential developmental processes in both formal and non-formal learning environments, adding an individual perspective to the DIPF’s scope of research.
Prof. Dr. Marcus HasselhornTeam
- Rebecca Aissa, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
- PD Dr. Katrin Arens, Academic Staff
- Prof. Dr. Janin Brandenburg, Associated Researcher
- Dr. Nina Brück, Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Büttner, Associated Researcher
- Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Ehm, Associated Researcher
- Dr. Anne Fischbach, Academic Staff
- Dr. Elena Galeano Weber, Academic Staff
- Dr. Sabrina Geyer, Associated Researcher
- Fenke Kachisi, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
- Maike Knodt, M.A., Academic Staff
- Dr. Patrick Lösche, Academic Staff
- Dr. Jelena Marković, Academic Staff
- Dr. Telse Nagler, Post-doc Researcher
- Marisa Rüsenberg, M.Ed., Doctoral Candidate
- Carolyn Seybel, M.A., Academic Staff
- Rebecca Silva von Heesen, Academic Staff
- Dr. Kathleen Thomas, Academic Staff
- Dr. Cora Titz, Academic Staff
- Dr. Linda Visser, Associated Researcher
- Hanna Wagner, Dipl.-Psych., Academic Staff
- Susanne Weber, Dipl.-Psych., Academic Staff
- Leonie Weindorf, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate
Verena Diel, Dipl.-Psych.Projects
- BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development
- BiSS-Transfer – Education Through Language and Writing
- EAGLeS – English Acquisition in German Learning Disabled Students
- FLINK – How to Read Fluently: Individual Intervention of Reading Competencies
- GamA – Gamified Assessment
- Hector – Scientific Support for the Hector Children's Academies in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg
- INCLASS – Inclusion of Children on the Autism Spectrum in School
- InSel – Recognise Internalising Symptoms and Respond Professionally
- LEGA – Elementary School Age Reading Strategies
- LONDI 2 – Implementation and Evaluation of the LONDI Platform for Diagnosis and Remediation of Learning Disorders
- MotivO – Reading Motivation and Reading Achievement across Orthographies
- RABE 2 – Risk Factors and Consequences of Learning Difficulties up to Early Adulthood
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- The Multidimensional Self-concept in School Contexts: Extending Empirical Findings