The department of Educational Governance focuses on the investigation of educational attainment processes.
The department focuses on societal, structural and institutional conditions influencing the acquisition of education. Projects investigate the potential of the education system, an investigation of the education system, how equal opportunities and chances can be guaranteed and how effective (individual) educational reforms, development programmes and governance instruments are. The researchers are particularly interested in the role played by institutional and individual conditional factors for successful or failing educational careers.
The investigations highlight a study of educational transitions and trajectories and consequences for further educational acquisition depending on individual resources and institutional respectively organisational features of the education system. In particular the question of social inequality and its role in educational processes are examined. In this context, the effects of structural changes and reforms in education and the linkage of science and practice in terms of a successful transfer are also investigated.
Findings from the deparment's work will deliver important information for an evidence-supported and sustainable governance of the education system while the findings are also entered into educational reporting.
The department can be summarised by four focal areas represented by four areas of work which are interrelated. The department centrally focuses on the national report on education and the projects SchuMaS and Abiba Meta.
Educational Monitoring and Reporting
The unit's projects monitor, analyse and interpret data-based developments in the education system and conduct indicator research for educational reporting.
Educational Structures and Reforms
This unit examines structural and organisational changes in schools, as well as administrative educational reforms in the school system. It investigates the intended and unintended effects of these changes on the quality and effectiveness of schools.
Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
The unit examines how inequalities in educational attainment arise and how they can be reduced. It also focuses on the digitisation of education.
Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
In close cooperation with practitioners, the unit investigates how to link academic and practical school expertise. The joint development of interventions and the study of quality improvement in all-day schooling complement the research work.
Prof. Dr. Kai MaazContact
- ABIBA | Meta – Overcoming Educational Barriers: Learning Environments, Educational Success and Social Participation
- ASK – Alignment and School Development Capacities from the Perspective of Schools and School Supervisors
- Accompanying Design and Research for the Startchancen Programme
- BIJU – Learning Processes, Educational Careers, and Psychosocial Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Study
- BONUS study: Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the Bonus Program for schools in challenging circumstances in Berlin
- EABU – Emergence and Reducation of Educational Inequalities in Childhood and Adolescence
- Educational choices and educational pathways within the context of structural changes in Berlin’s secondary school system (BERLIN study)
- GTS-Bilanz – Quality of All-day Provisions. Perspectives after 15 Years of Research on All-day Schools
- GesUB – Research Synthesis on the Genesis of Social Inequalities in Educational Attainment
- INFLATE – School Grades: Between Inflation, Stability and Deflation
- MILES-HuGS – Primary and Secondary Social Background Effects at Different Points of Transition in the Education System
- NEOS Study – Scientific Monitoring of the New Upper Secondary School in Schleswig-Holstein
- NEPS – National Educational Panel Study, stage 5
- National Report on Education
- QuaD-GT – Research-based Dialogue regarding the Quality of Extracurricular Activities
- SchuMaS - Schule macht stark
- Prof. Dr. em. Hermann Avenarius, Emeritus
- Dr. Anna Bachsleitner, Academic Staff, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Dr. Marie Baesch, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Gudrun Baitz, Assistant
- Prof. Dr. Michael Becker, Research Fellow
- Lisa Bevernitz, Academic Staff
- Elias Brauch, M.A., Academic Staff, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Dr. Jannis Burkhard, Academic Staff, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Katharina Damm, M.A., Academic Staff, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Prof. Dr. Annabell Daniel, Associated Researcher, Educational Structures and Reforms
- Dr. Martina Diedrich, Head of the Governance Center at the CHANCEN network, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Christiane Disser, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Füssel, Associated Researcher
- Elena-Christin Haas, M.A., Academic Staff, Educational Structures and Reforms
- Nicola Hericks, Dipl.-Päd., Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Victoria Herrmann-Feichtenbeiner, Academic Staff, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Lisa Horchler, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Stefanie Jähnen, Academic Staff, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Anita Kalustian, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Amina Kielblock, M.A., Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Dr. Stephan Kielblock, Associated Researcher
- Selina Kirschey, M.A., Academic Staff, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Dr. Anne Julia Klein, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Michaela Kropf, Officer, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Sophie Krug von Nidda, Associated Researcher, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Sabina Künneth, M.A., Coordinator, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Dr. Wolf-Dieter Lettau, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Ronja Lämmchen, Doctoral Candidate, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Dr. Markus Lörz, Academic Staff, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Dr. Josefine Lühe, Academic Staff, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz, Executive Director of DIPF, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Dr. Alexandra Marx, Head of Unit, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Julia Michalla, Associated Researcher
- Dr. Marko Neumann, Head of Unit, Educational Structures and Reforms
- Dr. Harry Neß, Associated Researcher
- Andreas Pützer, M.A., Officer, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Dr. Jonas Ringler, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Büsra Saglam, Assistant, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Dr. Jan Scharf, Head of Unit, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Anna Lena Schilling, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Robyn Schmidt, B.A., Assistant, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Yannick Stelter, M.A., Doctoral Candidate, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Dr. Ricarda Ullrich, Associated Researcher
- Nora Wazinski, M.A., Doctoral Candidate, Educational Inequalities and Reducing Educational Barriers
- Prof. Dr. em. Horst Weishaupt, Emeritus
- Ruben Wendrock, Academic Staff, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Gönül Yiğit, B.A., Assistant, Practice and Transfer Oriented School Development Research
- Victoria Zeddies, M.A., Doctoral Candidate, Educational Monitoring and Reporting
- Nicky Zunker, M.A., Associated Researcher, Educational Structures and Reforms